
“每一天都是一份礼物,充满了欢乐、惊喜和起伏. Embrace the journey." -David and Andrew Olshine



“每一天都是一份礼物,充满了欢乐、惊喜和起伏. Embrace the journey." -David and Andrew Olshine

May 1, 2024

By Dr. David Olshine,家庭青年事工主任兼教授 & Culture

Do you remember the start of the new century, 2000? I certainly do.

On the morning of New Year’s Eve 1999, 我妻子冲进健身房,我正在跑步机上跑步, 试着为新年做准备. Rhonda whispered into my ear, “I’m pregnant.” For most people, that is welcome news. 对我们来说,这几乎是一个模糊而惊人的转折. 我们唯一的孩子瑞秋已经十几岁了,我们开始相信我们会有一个唯一的孩子. 15年来,我们断断续续地为再要一个孩子祈祷.

Rachel was an awesome kid! 她精力充沛,外向,喜欢运动,在学校里表现很好.

一天晚上,朗达有这样一个内心的印象问她:“你想再要一个孩子吗??” She said yes. (注:从那天起,我们一直在嘲笑为什么我没有参与到她和上帝的对话中!)

Aug. 9 arrived, and we had a newborn son. We named him Andrew David Olshine. 安得烈的意思是“坚强的”,大卫的意思是“蒙爱的”.“一切看起来都很好,直到10小时后主治医生来了,说安德鲁可能生病了 Down syndrome, and we were stunned.

Once the hospital did a blood test, 两周后确诊安德鲁确实患有唐氏综合症, which is a cognitive intellectual disability. After crying for about 40 days, we sensed the Lord saying “love him, 这就是你所要做的,他教你的会比你教他的多,” and that’s been so true.

Fast forward from that turbulent year, Andrew is now 23 years old, 这是一段伟大的旅程,但也不是没有问题. 安德鲁很能干,他毕业于查平的斯普林希尔高中. He reads at a 10th grade level, 在艾尔默高中游泳队游泳了五年,并参加了特奥会桨板比赛, swimming and tennis (1).

2022年夏天,安德鲁患上了吉兰-巴罗综合征,这是一种神经疾病. It has nothing to do with Down syndrome. Although very rare, anyone can get it. 我们在医院呆了32天,他奇迹般地康复了. In fact, 他的物理治疗师说,在她30年的物理治疗师生涯中,从未见过任何人能如此迅速地克服GBS!

What is Andrew like? 他很外向,每周四和我一起参加CIU,他最大的缺点是把点滴联系起来. 他不容易理解结果,以及事情是如何从A到B再到C的. Our pediatrician taught us years ago to “focus on his abilities, not his disabilities.”

当涉及到DS时,特殊需要社区使用“延迟”这个词. 想象一下在州际公路上开车,会遇到交通堵塞、道路施工或事故. 你到达目的地的时间被更改了,你到达的时间比预期的要晚. That sums up DS quite well. 安德鲁花了额外的时间来学习某些技能, and in the process all of us have learned patience! 他喜欢动物、游泳、迪士尼电影、研究圣经、披萨、福来鸡和他的家人. One day after recovering from GBS, 安德鲁问我对他写书有什么看法,我说, I love it 于是他想出了这个主意,书名如下:

Fearless As A Honey Badger, Brave Like A Wolverine: Living With Down syndrome, Loving Animals, Learning Courage.

我们向我的出版商提出了这个想法,他说:“好吧,我们就这么做. We have never had an author with special needs.“安德鲁和我大约一年前开始写这本书. 截至4月1日,这本书已经出版,并取得了不错的成绩! It was quite a process and enjoyable. Probably 90% of the book was written by him. He loves typing. He loves researching and we’re so proud of him. 他想出了数百个圣经经文,电影台词和他的生活故事. 我们已经学会了抚养有特殊需要的孩子的一个重要原则:

每一天都是一份礼物,充满了欢乐、惊喜和起伏. Embrace the journey.

You can purchase copies of the book at: www.fearlessandbravebook.com.

  1. I wrote about the stress, joy and upheaval of Andrew’s birth, 在我的书中,我讲述了他早年的经历,以及我如何学会了一些关于等待上帝的事情,以及如何接受沉默和孤独, 沉默的奥秘:当上帝似乎缺席时,生命的意义 (Core Media Group, 2023). Available on Amazon.

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Andrew Olshine and his father CIU professor Dr. David Olshine. (Photo provided)

Andrew Olshine and his father CIU professor Dr. David Olshine. (Photo provided)